Friday, May 15, 2009

Almost All "Missing" Arctic Sea Ice Restored!

More good news from the National Sea Ice Data Center! Almost all of the "missing" Arctic Sea Ice has reappeared! As of 4 May 2009, Arctic Sea Ice is almost up to the average for 1979-2000. It had been down by over 1 million square KM. (NSIDC is supported by NASA.) [Click above graphic for larger view.]

Early this year I posted "Missing" Arctic Sea Ice Found reporting the admisssion by the NSIDC that a sensor error had incorrectly lead to reports of loss of half the normal sea ice.

According to reports based on the latest NSIDC data, there may have been no net Arctic warming since the 1950's, despite the rapid rise in levels of atmospheric carbon gasses.

If the trend continues, I predict that Arctic Sea Ice levels, as reported by NSIDC, will exceed the 1979-2000 average by the end of this year.

This is further evidence (not yet proof, but valid data) that Global Warming may have stabilized over the past few years. IMHO we should still do something about excessive atmospheric carbon, but the pressure is off and we should not rush into the Cap and Trade scam currently being pushed through Congress.

Ira Glickstein

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